Males & Females
Idealists & Guardians
The Values and identities project asks participants to do an introspective exercise which indicates their greatest values, in themselves, others, or the world at large.
I gather the information to create art pieces that compare the trends between different identities to present similarities and differences... to discover how we are all different and yet the same..
The first in the series, compares values of males and females. The next, compares Idealists and Guardians (Myers Briggs-Carl Jung)
This project is ongoing, if you would like to participate, you can express you interest by emailing [email protected]
I gather the information to create art pieces that compare the trends between different identities to present similarities and differences... to discover how we are all different and yet the same..
The first in the series, compares values of males and females. The next, compares Idealists and Guardians (Myers Briggs-Carl Jung)
This project is ongoing, if you would like to participate, you can express you interest by emailing [email protected]